Are We Clear from Covid-19 Virus?

We have experienced one year of MCO and we do not want the experience of locking down at home back again. Eventhough most of us got the body vaccinated, it does not mean that we are free from the virus. We have to make precaustion steps. A lot of business operators have been affected badly and some of them have decided to close down their businesses due to the long break and not be able to sustain the overhead.

I appreciate that this is a difficult time for many business owners and I am confident that
the scuba diving industry will bounce back but there is likely to be a ‘new normal’ and level of expectation in sanitisation not previously witnessed by the sector.

For advice on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in your dive or snorkel operation, please
follow recommendations from DAN, the WHO or any national guidance that may be applicable to you on how to treat any surfaces which require disinfecting.

Keep Up With the Latest Government Requirements

Government regulations around the world have been subject to change at extremely short notice, so it’s important to keep on top of all changes and ensure this is communicated to staff and customers in your dive business. In some markets, Governments enforce additional restrictions including those on capacity, mask-wearing or the implementation of QR codes for contact tracing. If this applies, be sure to adhere to these regulations to keep your business, customers and staff safe.

If you are planning to travel anytime soon but are unaware whether the vaccine you have been vaccinated with is accepted as valid proof of COVID-19 immunity by your destination country, you can find out through the vaccine checker.

Have Cleaning Stations Available
Place cleaning stations at various locations in the dive shop, boat or any other high-touch areas to give an air of cleanliness to potential and existing customers. This will help customers to feel safe in increasing their level of trust, assisting in building back a sturdy customer-business relationship.

Cleaning stations may include;

For dive centres or even divers who own their equipment please tak note on the cleanliness. Hand sanitising stations are important to encourage customers to clean their hands upon entry and before handling equipment. Hire equipment cleaning stations where customers can actively sanitise their own high-touch hire gear, including regulators and masks or a highly-visible cleaning stations that customers can observe equipment being cleaned

Potential environmental threats

The use of chemical cleaning agents is widely regarded as the safest option when disinfecting equipment, surfaces and laundry in today’s climate. The use of soap and water when washing your hands under running water for at least 20 seconds has been recommended as best practice for effectively disinfecting your hands.

To reduce your environmental impact when using soap to wash your hands:
Many cleaning and cosmetic products contain substances which are hazardous to the marine environment. For example: bleach (sodium hypochlorite) products can react with other minerals in water to create toxic substances; phosphates have a fertilising effect in the ocean; and surfactants (such as SLS) – which act as foaming agents in many soaps, shampoos etc. – can be toxic to fish.

Face Mask

If face mask is not a compulsory, it is an essential for all divers to wear it at all times on surface.

Purchase your cool face mask here.

Hand Sanitizer

And also keep your own bottle of hand sanitizer.

Keep your PURSUE Hand Sanitizer at hand while you’re on-the-go with convenient travel-sized bottles! Contact me for delivery.

Reduce Transmission Risk with Digital Learning
Utilising PADI eLearning limits the period of time that customers physically spend in a business, protecting both dive shop staff and customers, limiting the risk of disease transmission.

PADI e-learning Open Water Free Trial

Also available in Bahasa Melayu and chinese.

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